Monday, January 13, 2014

Sketchup - Space


Despite being only a medium sized star, the Sun is the biggest object in our Solar System, and all the planets orbit around it. The Sun gives off light and heat for all planets, more for the planets closer to it, and less for the planets that are farther away. The Sun is slowly getting hotter and brighter, only about 10% every billion years. That means that in a billion years, the sun could be hot enough to evaporate all natural water on earth. The Sun burns on Hydrogen, and when it runs out of Hydrogen, the Sun will expand quickly, consuming Mercury, Venus, and Earth.


Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, only .39 AU (Astronomical Units) away, this makes mercury a barren wasteland. Mercury's gravity is 38% of Earths, that means on Mercury you could jump close to three times as high as you could on Earth. A year on Mercury (the time it takes to orbit around the sun once) is 88 earth days.


Mercury is the second closest planet to the Sun, .72 AU away. Despite being second closest to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, ans its surface is a thick crust if dried-up lava. Venus's Gravity is very similar to Earths, at 91%.


Earth is 1 AU away from the sun, and is the only planet in our Solar System to carry water and support life. Earth is where you are right now. Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to support life and carry water, too close to the Sun and the water would evaporate. Too far away and the water would freeze over.


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, with a distance of 1.52 AU.Mars is home to the most dust storms in the Solar System.. Mars is considered the most similar planet to earth, it has a similar atmosphere, and a day lasts about the same.


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, at a distance of 5.20 AU. Jupiter is most known for the Great Red Storm, a storm which has gone on for 350 years and is twice the size of earth. Jupiter is also the biggest planet in the Solar System,


Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun, 9.54 AU. Saturn is commonly recognized for its large rings of ice and debris that surround the planet. Saturn is mostly made of gas and does not have a definite surface. You would not be able to stand on Saturn.


Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, at 19.218 AU. Uranus is made of Gas and does not have a definite surface, just like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Uranus is pronounced (yur-uh-nus), not Your-Anus. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System.


Neptune is the Planet farthest away from the Sun, at 30.06 AU. Neptune has only been passed by one spacecraft , Voyager II.

Take the Solar System

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